How To Setup A Home Karaoke System Using YouTube Karaoke Music and Your Existing Home Speaker System


Are you looking for a way to enjoy karaoke in the convenience of your own home with family and friends? You can easily build your karaoke system at home using YouTube karaoke for free! We all know that YouTube is the number one source for videos online including Karaoke Music and Backing tracks. You can search for almost any song by any artist and add the word “karaoke” and you’ll be able to find the song, almost guaranteed!

Of course you can use YouTube directly and sing along with it without any additional equipment. Just play the songs from YouTube on your device and sing along. But this won’t be as fun as being in a group setting and using a microphone, and a high quality speaker system that in many cases already exists.

Also, once you have this set-up:

-          You can have unlimited song selection from YouTube without monthly subscriptions.

-          You get to sing the newest hits almost immediately without buying additional chips or discs.

-          You get to use your favorite home speakers that you already invested money on.


5 Things you need to have a great Karaoke System at Home using YouTube:

1.    Speakers – Most of the homes nowadays especially the new ones come with a Home Speaker System. When I built my home, I made sure that it is pre-wired  for a surround sound system that I can use for my home entertainment. If your house if like mine, great.. you are half way there. If you don’t have an existing speaker system, don’t worry as there are so many reasonably priced speakers out there that you can buy and set-up anytime. 

      In my case, I happen to have an existing AV Receiver that is already connected to my 5.1 Surround Speaker System. All I need to do is integrate that with YouTube. I will show you how I integrated my system with YouTube.

2.    Mixer – You will need a mixer that has a Microphone and HDMI inputs. This is what I have. I bought this from Amazon for about $70. It already comes with 2 microphones. 

3.    Microphone – You can use any standard microphone that you have as long as it is compatible with your mixer.  In my case I am using the ones that come with the Mixer. 

4.    YouTube player - This can be a mobile device – smartphone, or tablet or PC/Mac. The device must be able to have a YouTube app that can also cast the video into a Streaming device. In my case I am using an iPhone and sometimes a Samsung Smartphone. 

5.    Streaming Device – This can be a Chromecast, a Roku Device or something similar as long it allows you to cast a video from the YouTube app, and then output the video to a mixer. In my case, I am using a Chromecast. They cost about $20 online. 

      You can use any other smart devices such as Smart TV, Google TV, Blu-Ray players, etc. as long as it has the YouTube app, however, it is much easier and convenient to find songs on mobile phones than trying to use a remote control to find songs on a Smart TV for example. 

The General Idea on how this Home Karaoke System works:

The mixer takes an audio input from the microphones, and video input from a streaming device. The mixer combines both inputs and output that into an existing AV Receiver or directly into your TV. The AV Receiver then plays the video to the TV and at the same time plays the audio to the connected speakers. Super Easy!!! Note that the AV Receiver is not required as you can always connect the mixer directly to the TV and Speakers.

Step-By-Step Set-up.

Now, I am going to show you how to set-up these equipments:

1.    Ensure that all devices that you are trying to connect (AV Receiver, TV, streaming device) are turned off.

Connecting using AV Receiver (Skip if not using AV Receiver):

2.    Connect Speakers to the AV Receiver.

3.    Connect your TV to the AV Receiver.

4.    Connect the Mixer’s HDMI output into the AV HDMI input.

Connecting without using AV Receiver (Skip if not using AV Receiver):

5.    Connect the Mixer’s HDMI output into your TV’s HDMI input. In this case, you will be also using the TV Speakers to output your voice/sound.

6.    Connect the Streaming Device (e.g. Chromecast, Roku) into the HDMI Input of the mixer.

7.    Connect the Microphone(s) into the Microphones Input of the mixer.

8.    Power-up everything.

9.    Ensure that the out settings of the TV and AV Receiver are set correctly.

 Time for a Karaoke Party:

10.  Open your YouTube App from your Smart Phone.

11.  Search for the Karaoke Song that you want to sing.

12.  Cast the video to your Streaming Device.

13.  Boom! The video and lyrics should show-up in the TV. The Speakers should play the music and your vocals. Then you can start singing like this.

Helpful Tips: When using YouTube, you can put songs into a queue. You can also use multiple smart phones at a time and the Smart phones can share the streaming device that you have and can also share a queue of Karaoke Songs that you or your party want to sing. Using Smart phones and a YouTube App is the most convenient way to find songs and enjoy Karaoke Music at home.

Other Notes: There are many ways to set this up. This video is just one example so you get the general idea on how to create a system similar to this.

 What if I Need Help?

      If you have a question or need any help, put all of them in the comments. I will try to respond as soon as possible. I will help where I can. I am more than willing to help you make your set-up successful. The best thing is it will be all for free. The only thing I ask is you subscribe to my YouTube Channel. And when you are having a Karaoke Party at home, sing the Karaoke Songs and Videos that I have in my YouTube Channel first and foremost before using any other channels J

Enjoy and Happy Singing. Please do not forget to like and Subscribe and click that Notification button. 
